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A Woman Captured | Directed by Bernadett Tuza-Ritter April 26, 2018 | 8:00 PM | West Newton Cinema

WCF studios/films LLC & Global Cinema Film Festival of Boston presents 


a film series curated by multiple Award Winning Documentarian 

Raouf J. Jacob 


WCF studios/films LLC is proudly launching a film series titled Films That Make Us Care. With screenings throughout the year, our series will be curated by multiple Award Winning Documentarian and Executive Director of the Global Cinema Film Festival of Boston (GCFF) Raouf J. Jacob. Our human rights program will showcase unconventional styles that speak to the evolution of the narrative and documentary form. Through the visual language of film, we will explore sensitive stories captured by unflinching lenses held by filmmakers with the audacity to inform, inspire and visually transport audiences to that sacred place called the cinema. Moreover, as a logical extension of our mission at GCFF, Films That Make Us Care will spotlight films that explore what lies beneath, through a closeup observation and examination of the human condition near and far. 


TASTE OF CEMENT | THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2018 | 6:15 PM | West Newton Cinema 

Taste of Cement | 2017 | Lebanon, Syria, Germany |

1 hour 25 minutes

DIRECTOR: Ziad Kalthoum


 In Beirut, Syrian construction workers are building a skyscraper while at the same time their own houses at home are being shelled. The Lebanese war is over but the Syrian one still rages on. The workers are locked in the building site. They are not allowed to leave it after 19.00. The Lebanese government has imposed night-time curfews on the refugees. The only contact with the outside world for these Syrian workers is the hole through which they climb out in the morning to begin a new day of work. Cut off from their homeland, they gather at night around a small TV set to get the news from Syria. Tormented by anguish and anxiety, while suffering the deprivation of the most basic human and workers right, they keep hoping for a different life. After The Immortal Sergeant, Ziad Khaltoum composes an excruciating essay on what it means to live in exile in a war-torn world with no possibilities to return home. Precise camera framing, unorthodox editing, and dreamlike narrative detours are the trademarks of a daring, imaginative and visually challenging cinematographic work.

World premiere – Visions du Réel

Best Feature of the International Competition – Visions du Réel

A WOMAN CAPTURED | THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2018 | 8:00 PM | West Newton Cinema 

A Woman Captured | 2017 | Hungary | 1 hour 29 minutes

DIRECTOR: Bernadett Tuza-Ritter


While preparing a project on modern slavery, filmmaker Bernadett Tuza-Ritter uncovers a treacherous story about a European woman who has been kept by a family as a domestic slave for 10 years. She is one of over 45 million victims of modern day slavery today. 

Inside an upscale Hungarian home run by a tyrannical matriarch resides a domestic slave. At 52 years old, Marish labors 20 hours a day without pay and endures a constant barrage of emotional and physical abuse. For those who see her on the street, it’s impossible to imagine the hell she returns to every day. Eating only scraps from dinners she prepares and receiving cigarettes instead of cash, Marish has forgotten what freedom feels like and lost all will to leave. Until Bernadett enters the scene.

Stepping into an ethical minefield, Bernadett pays off the owners to gain entry and train her camera on Marish. Her presence awakens Marish’s trust and emboldens her to hatch an escape plan. But the stakes are high: Marish is financially indentured, and the authorities refuse to intervene. A Woman Captured drops us into a realm rife with chilling questions about human psychology and our own complicity as voyeurs—of Marish’s ordeal and the suffering we witness on screen daily.

World Premiere – IDFA Feature Length Competition

Official Selection – Sundance Film Festival 2018


***Please send a letter of inquiry to prior to submitting your film for consideration.

Unsolicited submissions not approved by our panel will not be considered*** 

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